Namibija – ranč Koiimasis – raj na Zemlji,

_X3A5521To je to. Parcela, no, boljša beseda je posestvo, katerega se zagotovo ne bi branil. 🙂 Po spanju na posestvu “Namtib desert lodge” smo mislili, da boljše pač ne more biti. Pokrajina je bila fantastična, prav tako kamp oz. tistih nekaj parcel, ki je bilo namenjenih popotnikom. Po pol ure vožnje do glavne ceste, 15 minutni vožnji po glavni cesti in uri po dovozni cesti do glavne hiše posestva Koiimasis smo ugotovili, da očitno obstajajo še lepši kraji. Dovozna pot je bila kot iz filma. Prašna, napol puščavska, z gorami na obeh straneh ter oriksi, ki so prosto tekali ob cesti. Na koncu, ko se je cesta že skoraj zabila v goro, pa oaza zelenja in živali vsepovsod. Noji, antilope, pegatke in vsa ostala perjad … Neverjetno. Na posestvu smo preživeli dve noči, uživali v naravi, pohodih, se gurmansko razvajali z nojevimi jajci, opazovali živali, občudovali čarobne afriške sončne zahode. Skratka, čista beda. 🙂

That’s it. After sleeping on the estate “Namtib desert lodge” we thought it just can not be better. The landscape was fantastic, also the campsite. After a half an hour drive to the main road, a 15 minute drive along the main road and an hour on the road to the main building on the estate, we found that there are even more beautifull places. Road to the main building was like from a movie. Dusty, semi-desert, with mountains on both sides and Oryxs which were freely running along the road. But at the end of the road there was totally different story – green oasis, full of animals everywhere. Unbelievable. We spent two nights there, enjoying the nature, did a hike, enyojed gourmet ostrich egg, observed animals, admired the magical African sunsets. In short, pure misery. 🙂


