Nacionalni park Killarney, Irska

Nacionalni park Killarney, najstarejši nacionalni park na Irskem, je bil naslednja destinacija na našem road tripu po Irski. Poleg “Ring of Kerry” in polotoka Dingle, o katerem pa več v naslednjem postu, je Killarney destinacija, ki jo med obiskom Irske enostavno moraš obiskati. Fantastična narava, super razgledi in še lepši pohodi so blagovna znamka parka. Tako kot tudi drugje smo imeli tudi v mestecu Killarney srečo pri izbiri prenočišča aribnb. Simpatičen in precej zgovoren Patrick (glede na videno so Irci definitivno med bolj zgovornimi nacijami 🙂 ) nas je pričakal odprtih rok in po razkriti življenjski zgodbi nas je v poznih večernih urah še dobesedno zasul s zanimivimi lokalnimi informacijami. Killarney nacionalni park ponuja res ogromno in brez težav bi tam ostali nekaj dni. V planu smo imeli kar nekaj pohodov, ki pa smo jih morali zaradi muhastega vremena enostavno spustiti. A kljub temu je bil road trip po parku res lep. Najprej mimo gradu Ross do jezera “Lough Leane”, potem pa med stoterimi košutami do “Ladies viewpont-a”, cerkvice Derrycunihy in končne postaje, prelaza Dunloe, ki pa je uradno že izven parka.

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Killarney National Park, the oldest national park in Ireland, was the next destination on our road trip around Ireland. Aside from the “Ring of Kerry” and the Dingle Peninsula, that I will present in the next post, Killarney NP is a destination that you just have to visit during Ireland road trip. Fantastic nature, great views and even more beautiful hikes are the trademark of the park. Killarney National Park has a lot to offer and we would easily stay there for a few days. We had quite a few hikes in our plan, but due to the not really good weather we had to cancel them. But even though we had a great time. First we visited Ross Castle, then Lough Leane. After that and seeing hundreds of deers, we proceed to Ladies Viewpont, Derrycunihy Church and the final stop was the Dunloe Gap.

