Na prepihu – Lepenatka

Pred nami je očitno še en lep vikend. In če bo pri nama sobota še vsa v poročnih barvah, lahko vi te dni izkoristite za kakšen dober, zanimiv izlet. Zadnje čase pohajkujemo po res neverjetno razglednih hribih, ki pa kljub svojim razgledom niso ravno na spisku želja vsakega ljubitelja gora. In Lepenatka (res ne vem, kdo si je izmislil to ime) je eden izmed njih. Pohod je enkraten, prav nič težak in primeren tudi za otroke. Priporočamo ljudem, ki imajo radi ne ravno obljudene izletniške točke.
According to the weather forecast there is another great end of the week infront of us. And if we are going to be very busy with photographing wedding day at the slovenian coast, you can take advantage of good weather for some good hiking trips in slovenian mountains. Lately we were hiking on some really amazing panoramic hills, that are not usually on wish lists of mountain lovers. And Lepenatka (I really do not know who named this hill) is one of them. Hike is not difficult and also suitable for children. And if you like solitude, amazing views –  this is the place to go.

