Težko bi si želeli lepšega začetka. Že na prvem letalu do Londona je svetlolasi Jaka zašarmiral mlade Korejke, ki potem kar niso končale z obdarjevanjem. 🙂 In v Singapurju se vse le še nadaljuje. Če bo šlo tako naprej, bodo kmalu padale ženitne ponudbe. 🙂 🙂 O Singapurju lahko govorim le v superlativih – OK, ko se navadiš vročine, predvsem pa na začetku neznosne vlage. Čistost, urejenost, točnost, natačnost, spoštljivost so le ene izmed vrlin, ki mi padejo na misel ob tej pozni uri. Potem pa je tukaj še vrhunska kulinarika po res smešnih cenah – beri ugodno, fantastični razgledi, zanimive atrakcije tako za odrasle kot tudi najmlajše. In ker smo imeli srečo, da je ravno te dni potekalo še kitajsko novo leto, je bilo vse skupaj še toliko bolj noro. Skratka, še iz naše strani – vse lepo vam želimo v letu opice. 🙂
The start of our trip was amazing. On the first flight Jaka already charmed young girls from Korea who didn’t know how to stop giving gifts to him. 🙂 And in Singapore its the same. If this goes on like this, I am expecting marriage offers soon. 🙂 🙂 I can speak about Singapore only in superlatives – OK, once you get used to the heat and humidity. Cleanliness, tidiness, punctuality – just some of the things that come to my mind at this late hour. Then there is amazing cuisine at really funny prices – read cheap, fantastic views, exciting attractions for both adults and children. And then there was also celebration of the Chinese new year these days and because of that everything was just more crazy and hectic. So, at the end of our fist post – we wish you all well in the year of the monkey. 🙂
The start of our trip was amazing. On the first flight Jaka already charmed young girls from Korea who didn’t know how to stop giving gifts to him. 🙂 And in Singapore its the same. If this goes on like this, I am expecting marriage offers soon. 🙂 🙂 I can speak about Singapore only in superlatives – OK, once you get used to the heat and humidity. Cleanliness, tidiness, punctuality – just some of the things that come to my mind at this late hour. Then there is amazing cuisine at really funny prices – read cheap, fantastic views, exciting attractions for both adults and children. And then there was also celebration of the Chinese new year these days and because of that everything was just more crazy and hectic. So, at the end of our fist post – we wish you all well in the year of the monkey. 🙂