Monaco formula GP – behind the scenes

Nisem kakšen velik ljubitelj formule 1 oziroma moto sporta na sploh. Ponavadi pogledam kakšen štart ali dva na sezono, mogoče kakšno dirko moto GP in to je to. Ko sem bil mlajši, me je oče odpeljal na dirko formule 1 na Madžarsko in kljub temu, da je bilo doživetje nepopisno (sploh plezanje čez ograjo po koncu tekme in uživanje pod odrom za zmagovalce), se moje navdušenje ni nič spremenilo. In tudi po izkušnji v Monaku bo vse ostalo na istem. A priznati moram, da je kljub temu pravo doživetje občutiti dirko formule 1 v živo. Že vse dogajanje okrog dirke je en velik cirkus, poln razvrata, nočnih zabav in bogastva nasploh – to še posebej velja za Monako. A ko si od proge oddaljen le nekaj metrov in začutiš zvok, tresenje tal in neverjetno hitrost formul med mestnimi hišami, le stežka ostaneš ravnodušen. Zato vam rečem le – se splača enkrat zadevo pogledat – sploh v 8h oddaljenem Monaku. 🙂

I’m not a big fan of  Formula 1 and motorsport in general. Usually I watch one or two races of the season (usually just first 5 minutes of the race), maybe a race or two of Moto GP and that’s it. When I was younger, my father drove me to the Formula 1 race in Hungary, and despite the fact that it was an amazing experience (the best part was climbing over the fence at the end of the game and enjoying under the stage for the winners), my enthusiasm hasn’t changed. And even after the experience of Monaco formula 1 race, my priorities in life are the same. But I have to admit that it is nonetheless an unforgettable experience to feel the Formula 1 race live. All the happenings around the race is one big circus. Then there are parties all over the city and the wealth surrounds you on every step – this is especially true for Monaco. But when you’re  just a few meters away from the track and you feel the sound of the race, ground shaking and incredible speed of the formula 1 cars in front of you,  its impossible to stay indifferent. Therefore, I can only say – if you are formula 1 enthusiast – you just have to go to Monaco. 🙂

