Veliko planino sem obiskal že ničkolikokrat. Ponuja super izlet, najlepša pa se mi zdi pozimi, takoj po kakšnem konkretnem sneženju. Letos je sneg očitno le pobožna želja, a mogoče moramo počakati le na april in prihod sibirske fronte. 🙂 Kljub večinoma lepim izkušnjam na Veliki planini, pa se je v teh letih nabralo tudi nekaj bolj avanturističnih pohajkovanj, katerih skupni imenovalec je bila vedno megla – mogoče kar supermegla. 🙂 🙂 Prvič sem jo doživel že pred leti, v času študentarije in vikend zabav v koči nedaleč stran od Zelenega roba. Tura od zgornje postaje nihalke pa vse do zelenega roba je bila tisti zimski dan kot da hodim v nekem izmišljenem svetu – belina na tleh, vse belo okrog mene, noro. V kočo smo se dobesedno zaleteli in še danes mi ni jasno, kako nam je to sploh uspelo. Zadnjo megleno izkušnjo, ki ni nič v primerjavi s prvo, pa smo doživeli ob našem zadnjem potepanju po planini. Kljub lepi napovedi in lepemu vremenu na začetku ture, se je vse spremenilo v le nekaj minutah. Do cerkve Marije Snežne smo prišli že na pol slepi, nazaj do avta pa le še s pomočjo GPS-a. 🙂
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I have visited Velika Planina many times. Its a great trip in all seasons, but in my opinion the best time to visit it is in winter, just after snowing. This year we are still waiting for the snow to come but maybe we will be lucky in april, when some siberian weather storm finally arrives. 🙂 Usually I had great hikes on Velika Planina, but there were couple of them, that were not so good – or I must say – they were more adventurous, always because of fog 🙂 I still remember the first hike many years ago, when I was a student. We were hiking in the winter from the end of the cable car to our cottage, maybe an hour away. It was so foggy that I had the feeling that I was on a different planet. All around me was white. At the end we almost crashed into our cottage and I really don’t know how the hell we found it. The last family trip to Velika planina was foggy again. The weather forecast was great and the start of the hike was also in sunny weather. But then, just in couple of minutes, fog arrived and it was crazy. This time we were prepared and because of GPS we found the car – otherwise we would still be wandering around. 🙂 🙂