Med tednom v bohinjske hribe – Slatnik

Če se le da, skočimo v hribe že popoldan med tednom. Tako na hitro, po šoli, za dušo in telo, predvsem pa kot pravijo zahodnjaki – za “family bonding”. 🙂 Večerne ure se mi zdijo v hribih vedno nekaj posebnega. Sploh med tednom, ko ne srečaš praktično žive duše. In kljub temu, da je včasih res naporno zbežati pred vsemi opravili v dolini in težko pozabiti na obveznosti, ki te še čakajo doma, imam velikokrat po koncu ture občutek, da je vse skupaj trajalo vsaj nekaj dni. 🙂  🙂 Ja, magično moč imajo tele naše gore. 🙂 Spodnje fotke pa s popoldanske lepe srede na Slatniku in okoliških hribčkih.

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If there is a chance, we always try to go on a short hike to the mountains already during the week. After  school, to strengthen our soul and body, and above all for family bonding. 🙂 For me mountains are particularly special at sunsets. Especially during the week, where you have mountains just for yourself. And yes, usually its really hard to run away from all the tasks and to forget all obligations that are still waiting at home. But when we finish the trip, my head is usually relaxed like I was on a short holiday for couple of days. 🙂 🙂 Photos bellow were taken one Wednesday afternoon on Slatnik mountain and surrounding hills.

