Med podivjanimi biki in skakajočimi mladci – bikoborbe Provansa style

Smešna mi je ta Provansa. Po eni strani urejena kot se šika, z nobl vilami in bazeni. Po drugi strani cigansko razsuta v močvarah pokrajine Camargue. In če te nekje obdajajo rožice in je vse oh in sploh lepo, fajn, nežno in za se objemat, 🙂  🙂 , imaš le nekaj kilometrov stran arene, kjer še danes potekajo bikoborbe. A ne tiste španske, ki nam takoj skočijo pred oči. Na jugu Provanse, predvsem pa v okolici mesta Arles, potekajo pravi “gentlemenski” boji med mestnimi mladci in podivjanimi biki na drugi strani. Ne bi se rad spuščal v debate o smotrnosti tega početja, a za boljši opis dogajanja si predstavljajte slovenske “Dunkin Devilse”, k temu dodajte podivjanega bika in fešta je na mestu. 🙂 Cilj celotnega pojanja po areni je, da mladec vsaj enkrat v celotni igri vzame rdeč trakec, ki je privezan na bikov rog. Stvar se še nekako sliši enostavno a v živo je zadeva malo bolj kompleksna. 🙂 Po koncu igre je bik kot zmagovalec praktično vsake igre počasi zapustil areno, mladci pa so še dolgo prihajali k sapi, si lizali rane, no nekateri so se odpeljali z rešilci.

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This Provence in France is really a funny place. On one hand its a chic place with beautiful villas, amazing pools… On the other hand, in the southern part in Camargue its a totally different vibe – a bit crazy, gipsy style. 🙂  And if you are somewhere surrounded by lavender fields and everything is relaxed and gentle, you can participate just couple of kilometers away in local bullfighting. But not like those Spanish bullfights, where they kill the bull at the end. In the south of Provence, and above all in the surroundings of the city of Arles, there are genuine “gentlemen” fights between city youths and wild bulls on the other side. I would not like to embark on a debate about the bullfighting, but for a better description of the events, imagine the Slovenian “Dunkin Devils”, add one crazy bull and the party is in place. 🙂 The goal of the entire game is that the youngster takes a red ribbon at least once in a whole game. The red ribbon is tied to the horns of the bull and because of that it can be a bit tricky. 🙂 🙂 After the end of the game, the bull is almost always the winner of the game. And the youngsters? Well, they need some time to rest, lick their wounds, but some also need an ambulance drive. 🙂

