Končno, po vseh možnih zapletih so ruzaki spakirani in pred nami je prava družinska ekspedicija. Ideja za daljše potepanje je bila prisotna že leta – mogoče od najinega prvega skupnega potepanja po Mehiki pred daljnimi 18 leti. 🙂 Ma, se sliši smešno. A zaradi pomanjkanja časa, denarja, rojstva Jaka je ostalo le pri neizpolnjeni želji. Potem pa je prišel lanski september in spoznanje, da štartamo v naslednjem letu z novim projektom – šolo in časa za podobne neumnosti bo še bistveno manj. Začela sva z premlevanjem ideje, preračunavanjem, iskanjem idej, lokacij, ki bi jih lahko obiskali z denarjem, ki bi ga nekako spravili skupaj. In Voila, po 5 mesecih priprav je pred nami “Adventure of a lifetime”, kot bi rekli pri Coldplayu. 🙂 Od čarobnega arhipelaga Banyak pa vse do najvišje ležečih vasic na tem planetu – Tibetu. Štartamo s praznovanjem kitajskega novega leta v Singapurju, potem pa na Sumatro, kjer se prava pot šele začne. Obisk plemena Mentawai na otoku Siberut, raziskovanje čarobnega arhipelaga Banyak, iskanje divjih orangutanov, potem pa na Borneo in na obisk k morskim ciganom, pa spet na spoznavni lov za nosani in odkrivanje zadnjih skritih kotičkov tega malce večjega otoka od našega Bleda. Celotno pot nameravamo končati na Tibetanski planoti, med menihi in molilnimi zastavicami, mogoče na hrbtu mogočnega jaka. No, tak je plan, ki pa se lahko kaj hitro spremeni. Plan je, da se javljamo že kar med potjo – ali tukaj ali pa na blogu www.familycoreladventures.com.
Finally, after all possible complications we packed everything and we are ready for a real family expedition. The idea of a longer trip has been in our heads for years – perhaps since our first trip to Mexico 18 years ago. 🙂 That sounds ridiculous. But there was always something that made that idea almost impossible to realize – lack of time, money, and then birth of Jaka. But in last September we realized, that this year we start with a new project – Jaka going to the primary school and because of that it will become even harder to make that idea come alive. So we started to make first plans, when and expecially where to go with the money that we can scratch together.
And Voila, after 5 months of preparation – “Adventure of a lifetime” as they say in Coldplay is waiting for us. 🙂 From the magical archipelago Banyak all the way to the highest-lying villages on the planet in Tibet. We start with the celebration of Chinese New Year in Singapore, then in Sumatra, where the real journey begins. Visiting Mentawai tribes on the island of Siberut, explore the magical archipelago Banyak, then search for wild orangutans. In Borneo we visit the Sea Gypsies and look for Proboscis monkeys and explore all hidden corners of this vast island. We plan to end our journey on the roof of the world – between the buddhist monks and prayer flags – maybe even on the back of the mighty yaks. 🙂 Well, thats the plan and I am sure, that we will have to change couple of things. We will publish some posts on this page but also on our blog – www.familycoreladventures.com.