Let’s go and catch some Monsters – Škotska

Za nami so nadvse turbolentni meseci 2016. Najprej je bilo na vrsti fantastično potovanje po deželah Azije, ki se je zaključilo z mojo srečo v nesreči na strehi sveta. Sledila je rehabilitacija (ki še kar poteka), kasneje pa še poročno obarvani poletni meseci. Priznam, na trenutke je bilo vse skupaj precej naporno, a ko sva po zadnji poročni soboti potegnila črto, so bili najini obrazi prekriti z nasmeški. Za nama je namreč še ena res lepa poročna sezona, polna novih lokacij, predvsem pa super ljudi. Naslednje dni, oz. tedne, bomo tako preživeli v polnjenju akumulatorjev, ležernem raziskovanju novih krajev, iskanju pošasti (želje Jaka), predvsem pa v kvalitetnem družinskem preživljanju časa, ki ga po letošnji nesreči cenimo še toliko bolj. Torej, Škotska “here we come”. In super hvala “Big Tree Campervan – u“, ki nam je omogočil najboljši možen način za odkrivanje te skrivnostne, čarobne dežele.


The year 2016 was a very turbulent year for us. First, we had a fantastic journey in the countries of Asia, which ended with my accident with a lot of luck on the roof of the world. Then there were months full of rehabilitation (that still takes place), and after that the wedding summer months. I have to admit that at times it was pretty exhausting, but when we photographed last wedding and looked back at the whole season, we were just once more extremely happy. For us it was another really beautiful wedding season full of new locations and especially great people. The following days and weeks we will charge our batteries, slowly explore new places, try to find a monster or two (plans of Jaka) and enjoy as much as possible in spending high-quality family time, that we appreciate even more after the accident earlier this year. So Scotland – here we come! And great thanks to “Big Tree Campervans” that helped us to explore Scotland in the best possbile way.


