Že pred mojim odhodom v Oman smo se familijarno odpravili na vikend dopust v pravljično brunarico Alpinka na Krvavcu. Dopust je bil na pol služben, saj me je lastnik le te prosil, da naredim nekaj zimskih posnetkov brunarice, ki bi jih lahko uporabil za marketinške namene v tujini. A kljub temu smo se imeli super. Svežih 20cm pršiča, nizke zimske temperature in hiška, o kateri lahko le sanjaš. Ni ga lepšega kot ob večerih poležavati na kavčku pred prižganim kaminom in skozi stekleno panoramsko steno opazovati zasneženo pokrajino, s Triglavom v daljavi. Če ne veste kam v prihodnjih dneh ali če ne veste, kam odpeljati partnerja ali partnerko na romantičen vikend, je to prava lokacija 🙂 Več info pa kar na http://alpinka.eu.
Before my departure to Oman we went on a weekend holiday to a cottage Alpinka on Krvavec. It was not 100% holiday because the owner of the cottage asked me to do some winter photos of the cottage for marketing purposes abroad. But we still had a great time. 20cm of fresh snow, low winter temperatures and a house like from a fairytale. And what can be better than to relax in the evenings on the sofa in front of the fireplace and watch snowy landscape, with Mount Triglav in the distance. If you do not know where to go in the next few days or if you do not know where to take your partner for a romantic weekend, this is the right location 🙂 More info on http://alpinka.eu.