Kolesarski izlet ob reki Dragonji

Zadnji konec tedna je bilo, milo rečeno, kar nekaj ljudi na slovenski obali. 🙂 Ko smo se v koloni počasi vozili proti zahodu dežele, sem sinu v šali pojamral, da bi nekaj takega izgledalo, ko bi nas napadli Madžari ali pa bi izbruhnil vulkan med prostranimi panonskimi ravnicami. Na cesti je bila namreč verjetno kar celotna vesoljna Slovenija. 🙂 No, na srečo smo v soboto na cilju zavili stran od množic ljudi in se še enkrat podali v lepo dolino reke Dragonje. V tiste konce zaidem skoraj vsako leto. Lansko leto sva z ženo reko Dragonjo dodala kot pika na i dvodnevni pohodni turi od Socerba do morja (nekaj o tem tukaj), obisk slapov Pasjak pa je tako ali tako v vsakoletnem spomladanskem načrtu (nekaj o samem Pasjaku pa tu). Tokrat pa smo se na avanturo podali s kolesi. Če je bil prvotni plan kolesarski izlet od izliva reke Dragonje v morje pa vse do slapov Pasjak, smo zaradi cestnega kolapsa na koncu izbrali krajšo pot. Na kolesa smo se podali v vasici Babiči, potem pa ob rečici Rokava vse do Škrlin, kjer se je avantura z Dragonjo šele začela. Dolino smo imeli praktično zase in višje kot smo šli, bolj so uživali naši najmlajši. Prvo prečenje reke, potem kmalu drugo, tretje… na koncu pa je bil na vrsti še pohod do fantastičnih slapov Pasjak. Še ena super tura za vse ljubitelje enostavnega gorskega kolesarjenja.

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Last weekend there were quite a few people on the Slovenian coast. 🙂 When we were driving towards the coast, I told in a joke to my son that it would look like this on the road if we would be attacked by Hungarians or a volcano would erupt on the vast Pannonian plains. 🙂 The whole of cosmic Slovenia was probably on the road. 🙂 Well, luckily on Saturday we turned away from the crowds at the finish line and once again went to the beautiful valley of the river Dragonja. I go to this places almost every year. Last year, my wife and I added the Dragonja River as a highlight on a two-day hiking tour from Socerb to the sea (something about it here), and a visit to the Pasjak waterfalls is in the annual spring plan anyway. This time we decided to explore the area by the bike. If the original plan was a cycling trip from the outflow of the Dragonja River into the sea and all the way to the Pasjak waterfalls, we chose a shorter route in the end due to the traffic jams. We started the trip in the village of Babiči, and then we proceed along the river Rokava all the way to Škrline, where the adventure with Dragonja had just begun. We had the valley practically to ourselves and the higher we went, the more our youngest enjoyed it. The first crossing of the river, then soon the second, the third … and finally it was time for a hike to the fantastic waterfalls Pasjak. Another great tour for all lovers of easy mountain biking.

