Ko zaživi čarobni gozd – Črno jezero, Pohorje

Črno jezero na Pohorju in njegova okolica sta res čarobni. Fantastičen gozd, ki obkroža to res črno jezero je prava paša za oči. In če na lep sončen dan pritegne kar nekaj obiskovalcev, jih na deževnega in še to v večernem času najdete res malo – beri nič. 🙂 Če vas še ni zaneslo v gozd v deževnem in večernem času, ga skušajte obiskati skupaj s svojimi najmlajšimi. Skozi njihove oči in ob zvokih neznanih gozdnih prebivalcev postane gozd prav poseben kraj. 🙂 🙂 Kraj, kjer zaživijo stari smrekovi štori, kjer se za tisto smreko na levi pa res nekaj premika. 🙂  🙂 Skratka, zagotovo vam ne bo dolgčas. 🙂  🙂

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Črno jezero on Pohorje and its surroundings are truly magical. The fantastic forest surrounding this really black lake is a real eye catcher. And if you can meet quite a lot of visitors on a beautiful sunny day, you will have it just for yourself on a rainy summer evening. If you have not yet wander into the woods in the rainy and evening hours, try visiting it with your youngest ones. Through their eyes and with the sounds of unknown forest inhabitants, the forest becomes a special place. 🙂 🙂 The place where the old trees come to life, where you just have to see that strange creature that is hidden beneath that tree. 🙂  🙂 In short, you will not be bored for sure. 🙂 🙂

