Javornik v zimskem oklepu, Slovenija

Če kaj ni manjkalo decembru 2020, potem je to zagotovo sneg. Snežne pakete smo dobivali praktično tedensko in nekateri konci Slovenije so bili kmalu v pravi snežni idili. Med drugim tudi Javornik in okoliški hribi. Ko sem pred leti videl prve fotografije zamrznjenega in zasneženega vrha Javornik, sem imel vedno željo, da tudi sam ujamem tiste konce v tisti nori “sibirski” snežni idili. Proti koncu lanskega leta so bile razmere dobre, daleč od tistih oh in sploh, a vseeno je bilo vse skupaj vredno ogleda. Štartali smo kar s smučišča Javornik, potem pa po celem snegu počasi do vrha. Vrh je bil tak, kot smo si ga le želeli. Sibirski, s konkretnim vetrom, simpatičnimi temperaturami po ničlo in obilico snega. Manjkalo je le modro nebo – a to bo razlog za naslednji obisk. 🙂

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If anything was missing in December 2020, then it’s definitely not snow. We received snow packages practically weekly and some parts of Slovenia were soon like winter fairytale. One of this places is also Javornik and the surrounding hills. Years ago, when I saw the first photos of the frozen and snow-capped Javornik peak, I always wanted to catch those places in that crazy “Siberian” snow idyll. Towards the end of last year, the situation was good, far from perfect, but it was still worth a visit. We started right from the Javornik ski resort, and then slowly hiked through the whole snow to the top. The summit was just what we wanted. Siberian, with a strong wind, nice temperatures well bellow zero and plenty of snow. All that was missing was a blue sky – but that is the reason for the next visit. 🙂

