Planina Krstenica – obvezen jesenski izlet



Planina Krstenica visoko nad bohinjskim jezerom je, če vprašate mene, najlepša planina v Sloveniji. Še nekaj jih je v tistih koncih, ki so neverjetno lepe, a Krstenica ima praktično vse, kar si človek zaželi – fantastične razglede na zasnežene okoliške vršace, prelepo naravo, tura pa je primerna tudi za najmlajše. V jesenskih mesecih, ko se vsi tisti macesni najprej obarvajo rumeno, potem pa zažarijo še v nori oranžni barvi, pa je obisk planine sploh nekaj posebnega. 🙂 Pred dnevi smo tako med tednom izkoristili edini kolikor toliko lep dan in se podali na pozno popoldanski izlet. Srečali nismo žive duše, no ja, nekaj časa so nas v gozdu spremljale zvedave košute, ki pa so dale le še piko na i celotnemu izletu. In če je bilo vreme na začetku še precej tečno, pa se je proti večeru le premaknilo nekaj oblakov in planina je zažarela v vsem svojem sijaju. Ni kaj, nobl je tale Krstenica. 🙂


Krstenica meadow high above Lake Bohinj is – if you ask me, the most beautiful meadow in Slovenia. There are meadows in that part of Slovenia, that are incredibly beautiful, but Krstenica beats them all – it has fantastic views of the surrounding snow-capped peaks, beautiful nature, and its easy to reach even if you are hiking with kids. In the autumn, when all those larches first become yellow, and then oragne, a visit to the meadow is truly something special. 🙂 A few days ago, when there was a good weather forecast, we went for a late afternoon hike to it. We did not meet a single person, but we met couple of deers, who were following us for a while. And if the weather was not really good at the beginning of the hike, it got much better late in the evening. It was just special to spend that time in the middle of the most pristine nature you can imagine. 🙂


