Vedno je zabavno, ko iščem po arhivih točno določene fotografije, na koncu pa najdem čisto druge, ki sem jih očitno pri prvem pregledovanju enostavno spregledal. Vse spodnje fotografije so nastale ob raziskovanju plemenskih skupnosti na mejnem področju držav Etiopije, Sudana in Kenije. Fantastični so tisti konci in upam, da bom imel še kdaj priložost za vrnitev. Ob prihodih v nove vasi smo pred samim fotografiranjem veliko časa porabili za navezovanje stikov oz. “razbijanja ledu”. Ista rutina je bila tudi v odročni vasici plemena Surijev, vojščakov, ki se dnevno bojujejo z ostalimi plemeni za vodo, pašnike za svojo živino in za preživetje samo. Ena izmed stvari, ki vedno pomaga pri navezovanju stikov, je zagotovo tekmovanje v polaganju rok. In v tej vasi ni bilo nič drugače – mogoče so vaški vojščaki celotno tekmovanje vzeli le preveč resno. 🙂 No, spodnja fotografija prikazuje nasprotnika v finalu – poveljnika lokalnih vojščakov v njegovi paradni uniformi. Zmagovalec? No, včasih velikost očitno ni pomembna. 🙂 🙂
It’s funny. Always when I search for specific photos in the archives I find some others, that I overlooked. All photos below are from the expedition, where I was exploring tribal communities in the border areas of Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya. Those areas are amazing and I hope that there will be opportunity to visit them one more time. Always when we arrived to the village we spent a lot of time for communication with locals, to bond with them, to broke the ice. The same routine was also in a remote village of Suri tribe, where warriors daily fight with other tribes for water and for the pastures for their livestock. One of the things that always helps is certainly hand wrestling competition. And in this village was no different – maybe village warriors took entire competition just too seriously. 🙂 Well, the bottom photo shows my opponent in the finals – commander of the local warriors in his parade uniform. The winner? Well, sometimes the size obviously does not matter. 🙂 🙂
Vožnja do jezera Turkana v Keniji je bila zgodba zase. Ceste praktično ni bilo, prah bi lahko izvažal, vročina pa več kot 50 stopinj. Na zadnjem sedežu sem se celotno pot drenjal z oboroženim lokalnim policistom, ki bi lahko glede na svoje dimenzije brez problema igral košarko ali kaj podobnega. Ko smo tik pred samim jezerom obstali, so bile tiste dolge noge in roke v veliko pomoč. Brez njih – ja, verjetno bi še vedno ribarili na Turkani. 🙂
Drive to Lake Turkana in Kenya was another story. There was no road, it was so dusty and there was more than 50 degrees. I was squeezing at the back seat with local police officer (armed with Kalashnikov assault rifle), who would without any problems play basketball or something similar. He was juts so tall and his hands – amazing. 🙂 Just before the lake we stranded in the sand and without his long hands and legs – yes, we would probably still be fishing there. 🙂
In še zadnja – popotovanja, ki jih prakticiram jaz, so včasih skregana z osnovnimi higienskimi standardi. 🙂 Milo rečeno. 🙂 Velikokrat se sprašujem, ali je sploh vredno vzeti še tisto zadnjo čisto majico iz nahrbtnika, ki diši po domačem in bo v uri ali dveh ista kot majica, ki jo imam na sebi. 🙂
And the last one – my journeys often doesn’t match with basic hygiene standards. 🙂 To put it mildly. 🙂 I often wonder if it is even worth taking last clean shirt from the backpack, that smells like my home, and change with the dirty one. In an hour or two it will be same as the old one. 🙂