Najprej jih je bilo 99, po tsunamiju leta 2004 nekaj deset manj. A če vprašate nas, se to po 10 letih prav nič ne pozna. Še vedno je vse skupaj precej kičasto in zato ni bilo potrebe, da bi se kaj preveč pritoževali. 🙂 Najboljši možni način za ogled tega pravljičnega arhipelaga je gotovo popotovanje na ribiškem čolnu in kampiranje na najlepših plažah, ki si jih lahko predstavljate. Ribič Anhar, domačin iz vasice Haloban in njegov sin sta poskrbela, da je bila 3 dnevna dogodivščina naravnost nepozabna. Najprej vožnja med čarobnimi otoki, potem iskanje tistega ta pravega in postavljanje šotorišča. In potem – snorklanje na koralnih grebenih, raziskovanje samih otokov, pa vožnja s kajaki, ribarjenje… Na kratko – čista zabava. In najboljše? Ko smo utrujeni popadali na pesek v senci pred šotorom, so nas tam že čakale vrhunske kulinarične dobrote iz pod rok mojstra Anharja. 🙂 Skratka. neverjetna izkušnja na fantastični lokaciji, ki še vedno kljubuje skomercializirani in s turisti nasičeni jugovzhodni Aziji. Upam le, da še dolgo. 🙂
Till 2004 there were 99 islands. One more beautiful and unique then the other one. After tsunami in 2004, about ten of them just disappeared. But after more then 10 years later everything looks OK – if you ask us, its perfect. 🙂 The best possible way to see this amazing archipelago is to hire a local fisherman and camp on the most beautiful islands you will ever see in your life. Fisherman Anhar from the village of Haloban and his son took care of us in those 3 days exploring the islands. And it was just one of the best experiences in our life. Cruising among remote islands, setting up tents, snorkeling on the coral reefs, exploring the islands interiors, sea kayaking, fishing… And the best part? Anhar and his son were amazing company, always there to help us, making our wishes come true. 🙂 And one more thing – Anhar – you should open the restaurant. Every meal was a masterpiece. 🙂 So, at the end, it was an amazing experience on a fantastic location, that is still not commercialized and full of people. But I think that will change soon.