Po prihodu na Sumatro se je pravo potovanje za naš šele pričelo. Z veliko začetnico. Najprej let iz Penanga v Medan, potem pa z avtom na nekajurno vožnjo med palmovimi plantažami vse do zaselka Bukit Lawang. In tale Bukit Lawang ni nič posebnega. In pri tem bi tudi verjetno ostalo, če ne bi imel v neposredni bližini atrakcijo, ki privablja ljudi iz celega sveta. Orangutane. Ja, čisto prave. Oranžne, divje, nekatere prijazne, druge manj. A neverjetno privlačne. Mogoče tudi zato, ker so nam tako zelo podobni.
Naslednje jutro smo vstali že navsezgodaj, ko je večina turistov še švicala pod izobešenimi mrežami proti komarjem. Jaka je jamral in še meni, večnemu zaspanetu ni ura prav nič odgovarjala. A Tomas, naš vodič, ter njegov izvidnik sta vedela, da bo naš obisk gozda mogoče res nekaj posebnega. In je bil. Najprej simpatična mama orangutanka z mladičem, potem trop igrivih thomasovih opic in za na kocnu, za piko na i, še mogočen orangutanov samec v vsej svoji veličini. Izkušnja, ki je ne bomo pozabili.
After arriving to Sumatra our journey really just begun. First we had to catch a flight from Penang to Medan and then we drove by car for couple of hours to the small settlement Bukit Lawang. Well, Bukit Lawang is nothing special. And it definitely would not be a tourist destination without the main attraction in the nearby forest. Orangutans. Yes. In all their glory. Orange, wild, some friendly, others not really. 🙂 But really something special. Maybe also because they are so similar to us, people.
Next morning we got up early in the morning, when most tourists were already sleeping under the mosquito nets. Jaka was arguing and for me, it was also a little bit to early. But Tomas, our guide and his scout knew, that we could have a great time. And we did. Amazing. Unforgettable. First we saw lovely mother orangutan with her young one, then we met full of playful Thomas leaf monkeys. And at the end we had a privilege to see also the king of the jungle, mighty male orangutan in all his glory. An amazing feeling and an experience, that we will never forget.