Začetek potovanja bi bil težko boljši. Po prevzemu avtodoma in hitrem nakupu najnujnejših stvari v trgovini nedaleč stran, smo se podali na zahod. Vremenska prognoza za naslednje dni je bila namreč škotsko netipična, z obilo sonca in praktično brez vetra in velika želja je bila, da omenjene dni preživimo na čarobnem otoku Skye. A pot je bila dolga, jesenski popoldan se je še prehitro prevesil v noč in prvo noč smo tako preživeli na neki makadamski zaplati v prostranem in divjem Glencoe. In če je bil večer še precej umirjen, je bila noč precej pestra. Že zvečer, ob pripravljanju in preparkiranju avta sem v daljavi zaslišal znane glasove, ki sem jih prvič slišal pred leti, v času jelenovega ruka v Kočevskem rogu. Glasovi so potem hitro zamrli in prvi del noči je bil precej miren. Ob cca. 2h zjutraj pa so se isti glasovi testesteronsko napumpanega jelena pojavili le nekaj metrov od vozila. In če ne bi vedel, kaj stoji pred avtom, bi bile hlače verjetno že … 🙂
We could not start our trip around Scotland in more interesting way that we did. After we picked up our campervan we headed to the west. Weather Forecast for the following days was not really typical for this part of the Europe (sunshine, warm weather, no wind) and we decided to go straight to the Island of Skye. But because it was just too many kilometers for that afternoon and day was already very short, we decided to sleep over in a beautiful and rugged Glencoe. Evening was quiet but when I walked around the car I heard famous voice of a dear in the distance, that I first heard couple of years ago in a forest in the southern part of Slovenia. The male deer stopped with his show couple of minutes later and it was time to go to bed. But at 2am the same voices were just couple of meters away from our car. And if I would not know that they belong to a male deer ful of testosterone, I would be frightened like hell.