Pred letom in pol sem prisostvoval, s fotoaparatom v roki seveda, res dobri poroki Jane in Tadeja. Vedno ko se vozim proti Novemu mestu in zagledam tiste griče malo pred mestom, se spomnim njune poroke in zabavnega photo sessiona na navedenih hribčkih. No, po letu in pol so se naše poti spet srečale – tokrat na njunem domu, ob fotografiranju sinka Metoda. Srečno vsem štirim. 🙂
A year and a half ago I was photographing really good wedding of Jana and Tadej. And every time when I drive towards Novo mesto and I see those little hills before the city, I remember their wedding and fun photo session on those hills. Well, after a year and a half, our paths met again – this time on their home, taking pictures of their son Metod. Well, good luck to all four of you. 🙂