
Danska se mi zdi, je bila najbolj prijetno presenečenje celotnega potovanja. O vseh ostalih destinacijah smo bili načitani in smo vedeli, kaj pričakovati. O Danski pa ne. Bila je le vmesna točka med Nemčijo in Švedsko oziroma Norveško, na kateri si bomo vzeli dan ali dva počitka. V bistvu nismo od nje pričakovali nič posebnega a nas je nadušila tako na poti na sever kot pri povratku domov. Res vredna ogleda. Na začetku naše poti smo si tako ogledali Knuthenborg safari, klife Mons Klint in pa preostanek otoka Mon. Vse našteto je bilo na spisku zaradi naše trajektne povezave med Puttgardnom in otokom Falster. Povratek pa smo načrtovali preko JV Norveške z trajektom iz Larvika do Hirsthals na Danskem severnem delu otoka Jylland, ki je ob lepem vremenu po moje še spektakularnejši od prej naštetega. Če naštejem le najboljše – celotna okolica in samo mestece Skagen na skrajnem severu, pa že skoraj zasuta in pozabljena cerkev “Tilsandede Kirke”, puščava “Rabjerg Mile” in pa moj zmagovalec “Rubjerg Knude”. Priznati moram, da je bila ob povratku sreča na naši strani. Vremenska prognoza je bila slaba, z hurikanskim vetrom. No, veter je prišel, dež tista dva dneva pa na srečo ne. In celotna kombinacija vetra, oblakov in svetlobe je bila “ubijalska” – no za fotografa.V pravem pomenu besede pa za fotografsko opremo. Pri fotografiranju Rubjerg Knudena sem kar nekaj časa premišljeval ali naj sploh vzamem fotoaparat iz torbe ali ne – veter je bil nor in v zraku so bile ogromne količine peska. No, nisem se mogel zadržati a moram reči, da se je splačalo.

Denmark seems to me, has been the most pleasant surprise of the whole trip. About all the other destinations we knew what to expect. Not so for Denmark. It was only midway point between Germany and Sweden and Norway, where we took a day or two of rest. In fact we expected from it nothing special but we were astonished. Really worth a visit. At the beginning of our journey, we’ve visited Knuthenborg safari, cliffs of Mons Klint and the rest of the island Mon. All of this was on our list because of our ferry service between the island of Falster and Puttgardnom in Germany. On the way back home we planned our way over the SE Norway and ferry trip from Larvik to Hirsthals on the danish island of Jylland. That was my favourite part of Denmark – the entire region in the far north and the town Skagen, church “Tilsandede Kirke”, desert “Rabjerg Mile” and the winner for me – “Rubjerg Knud”. I have to admit that on the way back luck was on our side. Weather prognosis was poor, with Hurricane wind. The wind came, but rain did not. And the whole combination of wind, clouds and light was a “killer”. For photography and also for photo eqipment. When I was shooting Rubjerg Knud I was thinking for a long time if I should take the camera out of my bag or not – wind was crazy and in the air were huge amounts of sand. Well, I could not keep it inside but I have to say that it was worth it.

