Cabo de Gata nacionalni park, Španija

Mogoče uro vožnje iz Almerie oz. 3h iz Malage najdete verjetno najlepše mediteranske plaže v Španiji. Cabo de Gata nacionalni park je skoraj zagotovo zadnja zaplata španske mediteranske obale, kjer ne kraljujejo betonska turistična naselja in ostala šara, ki spada zraven. Pravijo, da je to Sredozemlje, ki so ga poznali pred nekaj sto leti tudi drugje po Španiji. Ob našem potepanju po Španiji smo na žalost tu ostali le dober dan. Pihalo je za znoret in zaradi tega ni bilo poležavanje po plaži nič kaj prijetno. A kljub temu vredno ogleda – že zaradi fantastičnih razgledov in samotnih plaž – sploh v mesecu aprilu oziroma maju.

Maybe an hour drive from Almeria and 3h from Malaga you can find probably the most beautiful Mediterranean beaches in Spain. Cabo de Gata national park is almost certainly the last patch of the Spanish Mediterranean coast, where there are no concrete beach resorts and other junk that comes with it. During our journey through Spain, we spent there unfortunately only a day and a half. The wind was blowing so hard that it was not really pleasant lying on the beach. But nevertheless it is worth the visit – due to the fantastic views and secluded beaches – especially in April and May.

