Andaluzija ponuja praktično vse, kar si človek želi na potovanjih – morje, gore, dobro hrano in pijačo, namestitve za vse možne debeline denarnic, vasice, mesta, zgodovino… Skratka, ni da ni. 🙂 Če sem morje v obliki nacionalnega parka Cabo de Gata že pokazal, prav tako fotke Alhambre in Cordobe, so naslednja turistična atrakcija bela mesta Andaluzije, “Pueblos blancos”, ki kraljujejo na gričih Andaluzije. Zaradi pomanjkanja časa smo med našim potepanjem obiskali le Olvero in Casares in bili nad obiskom popolnoma navdušeni. V bližini mest najdete tudi mesto Ronda, s fantastično lokacijo tik nad kanjonom in mislim da najstarejšo areno za bikoborbe v Španiji. Pravljični kraji, ki upam, da jih obiščemo še kdaj.
Andalusia offers almost everything you want when traveling – sea, mountains, good food and drink, all sorts of accommodations, villages, cities, history … I already posted photos of the national park Cabo de Gata and photos of the Alhambra and Cordoba, so the following tourist attractions are the white cities of Andalusia, “Pueblos Blancos”, that guards the Andalusia landscape on the hills above it. Due to lack of time during our visit, we visited only Olvero and Casares and were absolutely impessed. Nearby these cities you can also find the city of Ronda, with a fantastic location just above the canyon and I think the oldest bullfighting arena in Spain. Fairytale places that I hope we will visit them again in the future.