Večerna tura na Krvavec in Kržišče

Pred dnevi sem tik po obilnem sneženju dan delovno preživel na Krvavcu. Začelo se je z jutranjim fotkanjem fantastične Alpinke, ki si zasluži samostojno objavo čez nekaj dni, nadaljevalo pa z večernim fotkanjem v okolici v skoraj sibirskih pogojih. Krvavec in mnoge druge lokacije v naših hribih so bile tiste dni res prava zimska idila. Snega je bilo na pretek, najlepši pa so zagotovo pogledi na tiste sveže zasnežene smreke. Če je bilo tisto jutro res nekaj posebnega z res nepozabno zimsko kuliso, pa je bilo popoldne žal precej oblačno. A kljub temu še vedno precej kul. 😉

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A few days ago, just after the heavy snowfall, I had the privilege to work full day in nearby Krvavec ski resort. The day started with a morning photo shoot of the fantastic Alpinka chalet, that deserves an independent post in the next few days, and continued with an evening photo shoot in the surrounding area in almost Siberian conditions. Krvavec and many other locations in our hills were really a real winter fairytale in those days. There was plenty of snow, and the most beautiful were certainly the views of those fresh snow-covered spruces. If that morning was really something special with an amazing winter landscape all around me, the evening was not perfect anymore. It was unfortunately quite cloudy in the afternoon but still pretty cool. 😉

