Ob obali južne Irske, Irska

Na jugu Irske se je tista prava Irska, zaradi katere smo sploh šli na pot, šele začela. Od mesteca Tramore, kjer smo preživeli zabaven večer v pravi Halloween trdnjavi, smo se počasi odpravili proti zahodu. V jutranjih urah je bil najprej na vrsti simpatičen Cobh, ki slovi kot pristanišče, iz katerega je v novi svet v času irske krize odšlo več kot 2 milijona domačinov. Za ljubitelje filmov pa je zagotovo bolj pomembno dejstvo, da je to mesto, kjer je 11. aprila 1912 pristal tudi Titanic. In tako kot Titanic smo tudi mi počasi odtavali proti zahodu. Najprej mimo svetilnika Galley head in fantastične plaže “Long Strand”, V pozno popoldanskih urah pa potem vse do “Three castles head” in sosednje plaže “Barley cove beach”. Kratek sprehod do ruševin “Three castles head” je bil naravnost božanski. In ko smo mislili, da je vse lepo že za nami, smo se zvečer znašli v res simpatični tradicionalni hiški, kjer smo prespali tisto noč. No, pred tem smo s super prijaznima lastnikoma kramljali pozno v noč, s kramljanjem nadaljevali tudi naslednje jutro, se skupaj podali na sprehod v sosednji gozd… Pismo, človek bi se v tiste konce kar še vrnil 🙂

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On southern coast of Ireland our true journey just began. From the small town of Tramore, where we spent a fun evening at the real Halloween Fort, we slowly made our way west. In the morning, it was time for the cute town Cobh, that was famous for being the port of departure for more then 2 million Irish people during the Irish crisis. Its an important place also for movie fans. It was here that Titanic landed on April 11 in 1912 before heading towards the New York city. And like the Titanic, we too slowly drove to the west. First past the Galley head lighthouse and the fantastic “Long Strand” beach, then in the late afternoon all the way to “Three castles head” and “Barley cove beach”. The short walk to the ruins of “Three castles head” was great. And when we thought everything beautiful for that day was behind us, we found ourselves in cute little traditional house, where we spent that night. Well, before that, we were chatting with our super friendly owners late into the night, continuing the chat the next morning, after that we did a walk together in the nearby forest.. Man, it was so great that I would return without any hesitation. 🙂

