Na obisk k svetovno znanim Ama potapljačicam, Japonska

Vsako potovanje ima svoj “highlight” in naša prva morska postaja na potovanju po Japonski je bila zagotovo to. Na tisto razvejano divjo obalo v prefekturi Mie smo prilezli ob koncu deževnega dne. Morje je bilo zavito v meglico, ceste so bile prazne kot po kakšni naravni katastrofi in nad pečinami so še vedno krožile nadebudne ptice ujede. Vse kar nas je obkrožalo ni bila tista Japonska, ki smo jo videli do tedaj in Japonska, o kateri so govorili praktično vsi znanci, ki so obiskali to deželo vzahajočega sonca. Simpatična mlada Japonka Rikako, lastnica guesthousa na vrhu pečin, poleg tega pa tudi ena izmed najmlajših svetovno znanih Ama potapljačic, je bila oseba, ki nas je v naslednjem dnevu popeljala v čarobni svet Ama potapljačic. O Ama-h sem prebral in videl kar nekaj. In ko sem delal okvirni plan poti po Japonski, si nikakor nisem predstavljal obiska te dežele ne da bi pokukali tudi v ta del japonske kulture. In kljub temu, da sem imel že nekako izoblikovano sliko o tem kako in kaj, so me ga. Masako, obe ga. Torako, ga. Aiko in prej omenjena ga. Rikako naravnost impresionirale. S svojo pojavo, s svojim razmišljanjem, s svojo skromnostjo, z načinom, kako rešujejo nešteto težav, ki jih čakajo praktično na vsakem koraku… Neverjetne so te gospe. Prave super ženske in inspiracija za vse nas. Kapo dol. V čast nam je, da ste nam dovolile vsaj malo pokukati v vaš čarobni svet. 😉

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Each trip has its own “highlight” and our first location near the ocean on our trip around Japan was certainly the highlight for us. We came to the sea coast of Mie prefecture at the end of a rainy day. There was fog over the ocean and birds of prey were still cruising above the mighty cliffs. Everything that surrounded us was totally different from the rest we saw till then in Japan and it was totally different from all the info, that we got from other travellers. Young japanese lady Rikako, the owner of the guesthouse on the top of the cliffs, and also one of the youngest world famous Ama divers, met us and she was the person who showed us the magical world of Ama divers the following day. I read about Ama divers a lot in recent years. And when I was working on our itinerary for Japan I could not imagine to travel there and not visiting them. And despite the fact that I had so many info about them, I was amazed by what I saw.  Ms. Masako, both of Ms. Torako, Ms. Aiko and the Ms. Rikako simply totally impressed me. With their appearance, modesty, the way they solve the countless problems every day, that they encounter practically at every step … They are just amazing women, real super women and inspiration for all of us. Thank you again for letting us be part of your world even for just a day. 😉

