Za nama je verjetno najbolj žurersko obarvan poročni vikend v tej sezoni. Super žurersko je bilo že v soboto na poroki V&M, nekaj podobnega pa se je nadaljevalo tudi v nedeljo, na poroki S&B. A o tem več v naslednjem postu. Poročni dan V&M je bil pester in poln energije vse od začetka pa do najinega konca ob polnoči, ko sva že precej zmahana zapuščala res neverjetno žurersko ekipo svatov V&M. Celotni poročni dan se je odvijal v restavraciji Kongo v Grosupljem, za poročni session pa smo izbrali edini malo hladnejši lokaciji v bližini – simpatično hosto in nasad koruze. V&M, hvala še enkrat za dan poln pozitivne energije in norih plesnih ritmov. Midva pa vama želiva le, da s tem nadaljujeta tudi v vajinem skupnem življenju.
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Last weekend was probably by far the most party oriented wedding weekend of this season. The atmosphere was great already on Saturday’s wedding of V & M and something similar happened also on Sunday, at the wedding of S & B. But more about this in the next post. The wedding day of V & M was full of energy from the beginning to midnight, when we left really amazing partying guests. The whole wedding day was held at the Kongo restaurant in Grosuplje and for the wedding session we chose the only slightly cooler place nearby – a nice forest and maize plantation. V & M, thanks again for a day full of positive energy and mad dance rhythms. All we can say you that you just have to continue with this kind of energy and vibe also in your future life.