Letošnjo poročno sezono sem odprl na lep pomladni dan v sončnem in že skoraj poletnem Novem mestu. Civilni poročni obred M&M se je odvijal na gradu Grm, ki sem ga prvič spoznal od zunaj že pred leti, ko smo ga izbrali za enega izmed poročnih photo sessionov, poročna zabava pa v gostilni Prepih nekaj kilometrov stran. V tem postu le nekaj fotografij, nekaj več pa potem v fotoknjigi. 🙂 M&M, uživajta še naprej. 😉
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I started this year’s wedding season on a beautiful spring day in the sunny Novo Mesto. The civil wedding ceremony of M&M took place at the Grm Castle, which I already knew from one of the photo sessions from couple of years ago, and the wedding party took place in the Prepih restaurant a few kilometers away. I am publishing just couple of photos now, but there will be many more in wedding photo book. 🙂 M&M, we wish you all the best. 😉