Najboljša popotna doživetja se vedno skrivajo za vogali turističnih atrakcij. Preverjeno, že večkrat. 🙂 In če Pushkar in njegov vsakoletni kamelji market privablja tisoče turistov z vsega sveta in kopico profesionalnih fotografov, ljubiteljev fotografije in antropologov, so okoliške vasice dostikrat popolnoma prezrte. In ker je bil v tisti najhujši vročini sredi dneva kamelji market bolj podoben kakšni povoženi vojski, smo se podali v vasice, ki jih v tistem delu Rajasthana najdete praktično povsod. Tiste prave indijske, avtentične, barvite, polne življenja in neverjetnih zgodb. Verjetno ne bom prav nič pretiraval če rečem, da je bila tista izkušnja ena izmed lepših v Rajasthanu. Ko smo vandrali med preprostimi betonskimi hiškami in kjer so nas lokalni prebivalci praktično pred vsako hišo vabili k sebi domov. Na skodelico čaja, kaj prigrizniti, predvsem pa na kratek pogovor. In če bi moral izbrati nekoga, ki se mi je vpisal s posebnimi črkami, so bila to zagotovo dekleta, ki smo jih zmotili ob obiranju cvetnih listkov. Tistih nekaj deset minut v njihovi hiški je bilo res nepozabnih.
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The best travel experiences are always hidden behind the corner of major tourist attractions. 🙂 And if Pushkar and his annual camel fair attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world and big number of professional photographers, photo enhtusiasts and anthropologists, the surrounding villages are often overlooked. And because in that worst heat of the day the camel market looked more like a defeated army, we went to the villages that you find practically everywhere in that part of Rajasthan. Those authentic, colorful, full of life and with incredible stories. Probably I will not be exaggerating if I say that that experience was one of the best in Rajasthan. It was something special, when we were wandering between simple concrete houses and where the local inhabitants practically in front of each house invite us to their homes. For a cup of tea, something to eat, to chat for couple of minutes. And if I had to choose someone who had made that day even more special, I would probably choose girls who were picking flower leaves. Those few minutes in their house were really unforgettable.