Ob obisku Provanse morate biti pozorni na dve zadevi. Če se le da, jo obiščite konec meseca junija ali v začetku julija, ko se Provansa zaradi sivke pokaže v najboljši luči. In če jo obiščete v vročih poletnih mesecih, ne pozabite na kopalke, ki ustrezajo strogim francoskim standardom. Ja, težko verjameš dokler ne doživiš na lastni koži. Tisti dan smo po dobrih 5 urah vožnje le prispeli v res fajn majhen kamp s super cenami in mamljivim bazenom. Skočili smo pod tuš, navlekli tiste “moderne surfarske” kopalke in se odpravili proti vhodu v bazen. No, pred bazenom me je ustavila receptorka in mi strogo razložila, da moje kopalke ne ustrezajo francoskim kriterijem in da pač lahko vodo gledam le od daleč. Po njeno sem lahko pred tem z njimi delal na polju, prehodil francosko gorsko transverzalo, špilal tenis… Skratka svinjal. In po njenih navodilih smo šli. V nakup, v iskanje tistih pravih kopalk. Oprijetih, kratkih, skratka “speedo” varianta. Našli smo jih v Decathlonu. Celih 6 različnih modelov, katere sem potem v naslednjih 10 dneh z nasmeškom opazoval na sebi in ostalih smešnih turistih. Aja, sivke v juniju v Gordesu pač še ni. No, nekaj je je, a za tiste prave razglede priporočamo prvi teden v juliju.
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When you visit Provence you have to be careful about 2 things. If it is possible you should visit it during the end of June/beginning of July period. Its lavender blossom time and Provence is just so beautiful. If you decide to travel in summer months you have to pack one very important item – swimsuit that fits strict french standards. Yeah, it’s hard to believe until you experience it on your own skin. That day, after about 5 hours of driving, we arrived to a really nice, small campsite with great prices and a lovely pool. We jumped under the shower, dragged those swimming shorts on and headed towards the entrance to the pool. Well, the receptionist stopped me in front of the pool and explained to me strictly that my swimsuit does not fit the French standards and that I can only watch the water from far away. By her, I could work with them in the fields before, cross the French mountain transversal, played tennis … After first shock she explained what I have to find – those short, very tight swimsuit. And the next day we went hunting for the proper one. We found them in a store nearby. There were just six different models – models that I watched every day on me and on other funny tourists. And one info about lavender – in Gordes its better to come in first week of July. When we were there lavender was still not in full bloom.