Plan je bil čisto enostaven. Eno fajn, enostavno, tako bolj na easy potepanje pa idilični francoski Provansi. A plan je nekaj, realnost pa ponavadi čisto nekaj drugega. 🙂 Tako nam je prvi dan na drugi strani italijanskega škornja nori voznik tovornjaka s kamnom razbil vetrobransko steklo. Teden kasneje sem zaradi svoje neumnosti odtrgal še spodnjo zaščito motorja. No, vmes so naju – fantovski del ekipe še nagnali z bazena, ker nisva ustrezala strogim modnim francoskim kriterijem glede oblike kopalk 🙂 🙂 A o tem zagotovo v samostojnem postu v prihodnjih dneh. Kljub temu, da je bila sivka tista, ki nas je vlekla v tiste konce sveta, pa je bilo mnogo drugih stvari, ki so nas očarale še bistveno bolj. Najprej vršaci mogočnih francoskih Alp, pa idilična provansalska mesteca, “beli angeli” močvirij Camargue in nenazadnje nori bikoborci francoskih aren – nekrvavih, popolnoma drugačnih od sosednjih španskih. Očarali so nas tudi kampi, tudi njihove cene, ki so se gibale od 18,00 – 32,00 EUR za vse skupaj. Potepanje se je na koncu izkazalo tudi za finančno precej ugodno – dobrih 600,00 EUR za 12 dni ni veliko – sploh če vzameš v zakup, da potuješ po enem izmed najbolj prestižnih območij evropske celine.
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The plan was pretty simple. One easy road trip around idyllic Provence in France. But plan is one thing, the reality usually something else. 🙂 So on the first day we broke the car windshield because of one crazy italian truck driver. Couple of days later I managed to to destroy the engine protection at the bottom of the car. The best part was when they kicked us from the pool because our swimsuits were not suitable according to the pool rules. 🙂 🙂 But more about that for sure in the next post. 🙂 We decided to visit Provence at the end of June because of one thing – lavender. And even though its amazing to see lavender fields, there were other things that were even more spectacular. First, the peaks of the mighty French Alps, then the idyllic small towns and villages of Provence, the “white angels” of Camargue swamps, and, last but not least, the bullfighters from the French arenas – totally different from those in Spain. We were surprised by the quality and prices of the campsites – ranging from 18.00 to 32.00 EUR for all together. At the end our road trip was really not expensive – you can not argue when you spend just around 600 EUR for 12 days in one of the most prestige areas of Europe.