Gora Ventoux – Shangri La cestnega kolesarstva, Provansa, Francija

Gora Ventoux nima po videzu praktično nobene zveze z Provanso. A kljub temu je ta orjaška gmota šodra še ena izmed mnogih atrakcij pokrajine na jugu Francije. Ker nisem kakšen ljubitelj cestnega kolesarstva, bom v bistvu povzel slišano in prebrano o tej veličastni vzpetini. Opisujejo jo kot Shangri La, mistično goro, pravo meko kolesarskega športa. Kar nekaj etap cestne dirke Tour de France se je odvijalo po teh klancih in zmagovalce teh etap kujejo v zvezde. In po videnem tistega lepega junijskega dne, bodo določene stvari res držale. Kolesarjev na poti do vrha je bilo ogromno. Staro, mlado, nekateri v pravi bojni opremi znanih svetovnih znamk cestnega kolesarstva, drugi oblečeni po domače. Vsi zagrizeni in prepričani v to, da bo bitka z neizprosnim Ventoux-jem na koncu dobljena. 🙂 P.S. pri nekaterih tudi s pomočjo elektrike. 😉
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Mount Ventoux is really something special and I would never placed it in Provence. Its just so different from the rest of Provence. But maybe because of this its also one of the main attractions in southern France. Since I am not a fan of road cycling, I will basically summarise what is written and said about this mountain. It is described as Shangri La, a mystical mountain, cycling Everest. 🙂 Several stages of the Tour de France race took place on this mountain and the winners of these stages are written in golden letters. And after visiting it on a beautiful warm day in June, we found out that it has an interesting charm. There were many cyclists who tried to reach the top of it. Old, young, some in professional equipment of the famous world brands of road cycling, others dressed more casual. 🙂 But all of them were convinced that they will win that battle. Some maybe with some help from the electricity. 🙂 

